How do I join?
Just print and complete the application below, and mail it and your dues to:
New info from last year? ________ New Member? ________ Life Member? ________
Name: _________________________________________
Spouse: ________________
E-Mail Address: _____________________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________
Zip __________
Phone (h): ____________________________
(o): _____________________________
Employer: __________________________________________________
Sport(s) Lettered: __________________________________________________
Year(s) Lettered (e.g., 1975, 1976): _______________________________________
Dues: $20.00 Annual _________ or $350.00 Life ________
What does the “H” Association do?
First, it is a way for us lettermen to give back to the University of Houston Athletic Program and its student athletes. In this regard, we have two large fundraisers each year, the annual Bar-B-Que and the Cougar Classic Golf Tournament. From the proceeds from these events, we are able donate money to the program each year by direct contributions, sponsoring the Coaches’ golf tournaments, buying tables at the awards banquet and the like.
Second, we provide a central place for our former lettermen to gather at football and baskeball games by sponsoring the single largest tailgate party at Robertson Stadium, and parties before and after each home basketball game in the “H” Room in Hofheinz Pavillion.
How many “H” Association members are there?
Last year, there were almost 500 members in the “H” Association, an all-time high.
This number includes 290 life members.
Who can become a member of the “H” Association?
Anyone who has been awarded at least one varsity letter is eligible to be a member of the “H” Association, including former managers, trainers, and cheerleaders.
Got a teammate that never lettered? Yes, he or she is eligible to join the “H” Association as an associate member if they participated for at least one year.
How much are “H” Association dues?
Annual dues are only $20.00 a year.
You can become a “life” member for $350.00.
The first academic year after you have completed your last year of eligibility is free. For example, if you completed your eligibilty in 2002-03, then you do not have to pay “H” Association dues to participate this year.
Is there block seating or special ticket prices for “H” Association members?
Yes. The “H” Association has block seating for Football and Basketball.
In fact, “H” Association members receive special rates for season tickets for both.
“H” Association members can receive 4 season football tickets for $320 ($80.00 each).